Pedestrian Safety
Wellington City Council rolled out a pedestrian safety campaign across the Golden Mile aimed at encouraging pedestrians to actively look both ways before crossing the street. After the ‘Now You See Me’ campaign had been in place for a number of months a short survey explored reach and understanding of the campaign’s meaning. 1 in 10 of those who had visited the Golden Mile in the six months prior recalled seeing advertising featuring a yellow eye. Of these, almost a third correctly identified the meaning of the campaign without any prompting. When presented with the images used in the campaign, the ‘eye’ and ‘look’ images had the best recognition, with around two-thirds of the group recognising each. Images on the footpath and on posters were the most commonly recalled, and 85% agreed that the campaign images were eye-catching. The survey findings provided insight into the reach and likeability of the campaign with support for simple messages being placed on the kerb.